Friday, February 7, 2014

My brother, the hopeless Romantic ~Ital Florist

The other night sitting around the dinner table like we often do, and with Valentine's Day around the corner occupying all our minds,we start reminiscing about funny and memorable Valentine's Day stories. My brother starts to tell the kids about the time he organized this great surprise for his then girlfriend, now wife at Valentine's Day. If you've ever heard Italo tell a story you'll understand me when I say he had us all in stitches thinking he was the best romantic dude out there...
I asked him if he would be my "guest" blogger on my next entry... so here you go folks in his own words... ~Italo ...The best romantic dude out there~

We were young and working our asses off at the flower shop.
My girlfriend (now my wife) used to go to Florida always in February
I played it like I didn’t get her anything for Valentine’s Day.
I took time away from my busy day to meet her at the airport to see her off…I think it was maybe the day after valentine’s day…can’t remember.
When I went to the airport I saw she was a bit upset and I purposely made it worse. I didn’t get her anything, my excuse was was crazy busy at the shop and I had no time and really the whole thing is so silly. Right?...
I said, "Eva…come on, get over it. It’s just a silly day. What’s the big deal?"
This made her even more upset.
We said good bye and I left. She was sad for sure.

She had no clue that earlier in the day I went to the Check In desk (it did help that I knew the check in person) and I arranged to have them pass the box of flowers to one of the flight attendants on Eva's flight before boarding.
Pre 911 for sure!
Once the plane took off and the seat belt lights went off, the flight attendant, over the loud speaker, asked for Eva to identify herself.
Then the whole crew walked the box of flowers over to where she was seated.
They made a huge scene. All the other passengers oohing and was perfect! She was speechless.
Now she is stuck on the plane with no way to call me.
When she lands in Florida she desperately wants to call…I avoid the phone for three days.
I knew she felt bad that she had been so upset with me and then I floored her with the delivery on the plane no less!

Romantic or what?
~Happy Valentine's Day

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